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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. Enrollment open for new Improving Weather and Climate Understanding in Ohio online course

    Climate Change for Ohio’s Environmental and Natural Resources Professionals and Volunteers, will run from ... Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) program, and Ohio State University Extension. OSU Extension is the statewide ... reached 74 professionals and volunteers across Ohio, including K-12 educators, Extension educators, Master ...

  2. Vinton County 4-H educator honored with Excellence in 4-H Award

    school programs, and camps. A Vinton County 4-H volunteer commented, “Over my years of involvement with ...

  3. Mary Gardiner named Distinguished Professor

    University Extension, the outreach arm of CFAES. Key initiatives, such as the Master Gardener Volunteer ...

  4. Patricia Brundige Inducted into National 4-H Hall of Fame

    Building, named in honor of her parents, and located at CFAES’ Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources ... financial contributions but also through the countless hours she has dedicated to volunteering. She is known ... unwavering commitment to 4-H’s mission. Created in 2002 to honor exceptional leaders, volunteers, and ...

  5. Investing in the future

    Patterson (back) volunteering with his family at the Ohio State Fair’s Taste of Ohio Cafe. ...

  6. 4-H inspires lifelong learning

    revue for over 40 years—first in her professional role, then as a volunteer. “It was always enjoyable to ...

  7. From the small screen to a national stage

    FilmFest 4-H, my parents and Girl Scouts troop had been the only ones to watch my videos on a small ...

  8. It all comes naturally

    his expertise and knowledge with youth by volunteering as a natural resources project judge at the ...

  9. Ohio State experts warn of increased combine fire risk amid record drought

    resources at hand, especially when many rural areas rely on volunteer fire departments.” With these ... taken. “This drought is historic, and with the added challenge of a shrinking force of volunteer ...

  10. Growing the next generation

    over the years, and as I got older, I became more involved in leadership activities by volunteering as ... in volunteering as a counselor for one of the camps they were starting, and I’ve been involved ever ...
