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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Event Recap: Economic Analysis of Key Presidential Election Issues

    faculty are trained to look at all sides of an issue and draw informed conclusions based on sound economic ...

  2. Event Recap: Economic Analysis of Key Presidential Election Issues

    faculty are trained to look at all sides of an issue and draw informed conclusions based on sound economic ...

  3. Dairy and Juice HACCP

    of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). The training program is centered around dairy ...

  4. Dispatch from the Field: Tony Gallenstein on His Work with the iAGRI Program in Tanzania

    nutrition training to 120 Tanzanian graduate students over the project lifespan, including educational ... program, training for Sokoine University faculty on teaching doctoral level quantitative research methods, ...

  5. Dispatch from the Field: Tony Gallenstein on His Work with the iAGRI Program in Tanzania

    nutrition training to 120 Tanzanian graduate students over the project lifespan, including educational ... program, training for Sokoine University faculty on teaching doctoral level quantitative research methods, ...

  6. David Kraybill to Participate in February 14th USAID #AskAg Twitter Chat on Agricultural Higher Education

    a knowledgeable and committed cohort of farmers will require agriculture training and education in order to farm ... nutrition training to 120 Tanzanian graduate students over the project lifespan. The project also ...

  7. Ohio State Workshop Addresses Farmland Leasing Issues

    during the workshop include: Factors affecting leasing options and rates. Evaluating cash rent survey ...

  8. C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy Examines Food Insecurity in Ohio

    reflected on findings from the 2010 Hunger in America survey that showed that 57% of the Mid-Ohio Foodbank’s ...

  9. The Faces of AEDE: Edith Lazaro, AEDE Master of Science Student in Agricultural Economics

    security in Tanzania. The $24 million project will provide agricultural and nutrition training to 120 ... economy, one of the initiatives to achieve this has been training farmers to run farms as business ... of a farmer, I have participated in the training that farmers receive and, most importantly, I have ...

  10. Videos and Presentations

    with so many frameworks, standards, surveys and requests for more and more information, what should we ...
