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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Videos and Presentations

    with so many frameworks, standards, surveys and requests for more and more information, what should we ...

  2. New undergraduate major in sustainability at Ohio State

    in-depth training in the economic, business and social aspects of sustainability.  This cutting-edge major ...

  3. New AEDE Staff Members

    with my wife, Becky, and my one-year-old daughter, Madelyn. I am currently training for a 10K run in ...

  4. Regional Economics Students Win Travel Awards to Present at National Conferences

    Model of Fertilizer Demand and Phosphorus Loadings in the Western Lake Erie Basin." Using a survey ...

  5. $24M Tanzanian Project Approved by OSU Trustees

    food security in Tanzania. One objective of the project is to provide training for 120 Tanzanian ...

  6. Voters Invited: Ohio State Economists Discuss Presidential Election Oct. 3

    faculty are trained to look at all sides of an issue and draw informed conclusions based on sound economic ...

  7. Workshop Agenda

    expectation of companies today. But with so many frameworks, standards, surveys and requests for more and more ...

  8. What Really Works to Improve Learning in Developing Countries? Evidence from More than 200 Studies

    computer-assisted learning) that tailor teaching to student skills; repeated teacher training interventions, often ...

  9. Economic Analysis of Key Presidential Election Issues

    economic examination of key themes in this year’s debate. “As applied economists, our faculty are trained ...

  10. Agribusiness Student Hopeful About Hops Farm

    successfully grow plants.  This has been good training considering he is attempting to do something that hasn’t ...
