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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. How Can Struggling Communities Make a Comeback?

    Cities June 15.pdf C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy ...

  2. Ohio Corn & Wheat Growers Association Board of Directors Retreat- Matthew C. Roberts to Speak

    Matthew C. Roberts, AEDE Associate Professor and Extension Program Leader, will provide a grain ...

  3. Ag Spectrum Maximum Farming Forum- Matthew C. Roberts to Speak

    Matthew C. Roberts, AEDE Associate Professor and Extension Program Leader, will provide a grain ...

  4. Should I Sell My Development Rights?

    development rights. Even on the east and West Coast where development right purchase programs have been in ...

  5. The Importance of Knowing Dry Matter Concentration When Buying (or Selling) Feeds

    basis.  This can be done using a program such as SESAME (see accompanying article on Nutrient Costs) or it ...

  6. ACRE State Revenue Payments, 2010 Crops

    This article examines per acre state level revenue payments made by the ACRE program for the 2010 ...

  7. Global Affiliated Members

    Hammitt (Harvard) Jeff Reuter (The Ohio State University Sea Grant Program) Jerri Anne Garl (Office of ...

  8. Williamson Insurance Agency's Winter Meeting Series- Matthew C. Roberts to Speak

    Matthew C. Roberts, AEDE Associate Professor and Extension Program Leader, will provide a grain ...

  9. Ohio Farm Land in Context: Insights from the 1997 National Resources Inventory

    Policy brief Thursday, April 11, 2013 ohio_farmland_in_context.pdf C. William Swank Program in ...

  10. Dr. Douglas Wrenn – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    a program offered by the Mennonite Central Committee. This experience had a dramatic impact on him, enabling ... beginning the PhD program at AEDE, and after completing his work in the Ukraine with the Mennonite Central ... a program with researchers from a wide variety of public, private and academic institutions, which conducts ...
