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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. Chow Line: Help kids follow the Dietary Guidelines (for 7/10/11)

    This column was reviewed by Julie Kennel, nutrition program manager for Ohio State University Extension ...

  2. Chow Line: Tips for whole grains, lean protein, dairy (for 7/3/11)

    nutrition program manager for Ohio State University Extension in the Department of Human Nutrition in the ...

  3. Future of Nursery Industry May Lie in A Greenhouse

    chairman of Ohio State's department of horticulture and crop science, said retractable roof ... vegetables and fruit, as well as interfacing with pest management programs," said Meyers. "For ...

  4. Chow Line: Help children cut back on calories (for 8/28/11)

    reviewed by Gail Kaye, nutrition program director for Ohio State University Extension and faculty member in ...

  5. OSU Extension Offers Income Tax Schools

    The fee includes all materials, lunches and refreshments. The first day program begins at 9 a.m. and ...

  6. Livestock Manure a Winner As Alternative Spring Crop Fertilizer

    nitrogen when fertilizer is applied in the fall. Applying animal manure to a growing crop in the spring ...

  7. Late Blight Got Your Tomatoes/Potatoes? Learn about Symptoms, Management

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences in Columbus, Ohio. This article is part of a monthly series aimed at ... University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.-30- Mauricio Espinoza Sally Miller Late ...

  8. High Market Prices, Low Production Costs Drive Planting Decisions

    their corn acreage to cover the global demand of animal feed in the wake of a wheat crop shortage. ...

  9. Make Safety Priority as Motorists, Farmers Share Roads This Fall

    a constant lookout for pedestrians, animals, mailboxes, steep ditch embankments and other roadway obstacles. ...

  10. Chow Line: Encourage, support overweight child (4/6/12)

    problem than subjecting children to adult-type weight-loss programs. The thing is, children are still ...
