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One Stop, Row Crop Production Resource Gets New Look
Agronomic Crops Network website is the hub of OSU Extension's Signature Program, "Increasing ...
Chow Line: Seeded or seedless, watermelon a treat
Horticulture and Crop Science. Â Martha Filipic Elaine Grassbaugh chowseedlesswatermelon.pdf ...
Chow Line: Recalled or not, handle eggs safely (for 9/5/10)
the Department of Food Science and Technology, and postdoctoral researcher Jennifer Perry. Martha ...
Chow Line: How sweet they are: A tale of two beets (for 9/2/07)
professor of horticulture and crop science for Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural ...
Chow Line: Potatoes: You say waxy, I say mealy (11/7/20)
sorts of potatoes that are available. In his classic "On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of ...
Chow Line: If you must, use math to figure iron intake (for 4/1/07)
established by the National Academy of Sciences in 1968. In this case, 100 percent of the Daily Value of iron ...
Chow Line: Many options for storing fresh herbs (for 6/1/08)
Science and Lore of the Kitchen," author Harold McGee notes that cutting an herb's stem will ...
Chow Line: Keep moving to burn more calories (for 6/17/07)
calorie expenditures solely on body size is far from an exact science. If you try six different ...
OSU Analysis: State's Green Energy Efforts Unlikely to Create Large Numbers of New Jobs
a measure. Yet, the report counters that claim, referencing a cap-and-trade program enacted as part of the ... significantly affect jobs either. The full policy brief can be accessed at ...
Chow Line: Grapes have bunches of benefits (for 9/30/07)
Ecology, and Joe Scheerens, associate professor of horticulture and crop science. Both are researchers with ...