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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension



Search results

  1. Event Recap: Human Capital Spillovers in Dutch Cities: Consumption or Productivity?

    Sciences at the University of Groningen, presented his recent research focused on “ Human capital ...

  2. College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo

    This career event is open to all students. Come explore what opportunities are available for both internships and full time employment. Find the full list of registered companies that is being updated daily through your Hireabuckeye account. 70 companies ...

  3. Workshop Venue Information

    identify themselves as being with the VPC Workshop AEDE/EPA program. All reservations should be made by ...

  4. Rural and Non-Metropolitan Population Change in Ohio: 1950-1998

    the 1990s. Policy brief Monday, November 1, 1999 ru1.pdf C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban ...

  5. Tails Curtailed: Accounting for Nonlinear Dependence in Pricing Margin Insurance for Dairy Farmers

    increases hedging effectiveness of the LGM-Dairy program.  Cameron Thraen Journal article Tuesday, June 17, ...

  6. Growth and Change: What will Economic Recovery Bring to Ohio

    brief Sunday, November 1, 2009 Ohio_recovery_102809.pdf C. William Swank Program in Rural-Urban Policy ...

  7. Green Policies, Climate Change, and New Jobs: Separating Fact from Fiction

    brief Tuesday, June 1, 2010 Green Policies, Climate Change, and New Jobs.pdf C. William Swank Program in ...

  8. Over the River and Through the Woods

    Family and Consumer Sciences, Ohio State University Extension, Butler County ...

  9. New book, backed by citizen science, shows state of birds in Ohio

    It’s a “wealth of opportunity” for scientists. And simply good reading for those who like birds… ...

  10. Global Cost Estimates of Reducing Carbon Emissions Through Avoided Deforestation

    that could increase costs of AD programs are described. ...
