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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension



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  1. Ohio State University Extension to Host Garden Design Workshop, or contact horticulturist Becky McCann with the OSU Extension ABE Center at (419) 354-6916, or ...

  2. OSU Extension to Hold a Baitfish Culture Workshop, Nov. 12

    Integration Program of OSU South Centers at Piketon, will take place from 1:30 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the ...

  3. Chow Line: Suffering from gout? Pay attention to diet (for 1/16/11)

    reviewed by Julie Kennel, nutrition program manager for Ohio State University Extension in the Department ...

  4. Agriculture and Plastics Sectors Join to Develop Ohio Bio-composites Industry

    Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.   Find more story-related photos at  ...

  5. Higher Fuel Prices To Impact Some Farmers More Than Others

    Sciences.-30-   Mauricio Espinoza Barry Ward, Dianne Shoemaker, Clif Little False False False False False True ...

  6. Hot, dry season putting damper on corn yield potential

    a professor in OSU's Department of Horticulture & Crop Science, said lack of rain may be the major ...

  7. OARDC Works with Industry to Boost Ethanol Production, Create Jobs

    of Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.-30- Mauricio Espinoza Fred ...

  8. Post Doc-Staff Awards

    Promotion”; Brian McSpadden Gardener, advisor. OARDC Professional Growth Scholarship Program Melanie Ivey, ...

  9. Soybean Varieties Targeted for Soybean Rust Resistance

    Soybean Breeding Program has joined a nationwide effort to identify resistance to the disease, which ... two states. "Our fungicide program is only going to be a short-term solution to manage soybean ...

  10. Gypsy Moth Larvae Now Emerging

    gypsy moth suppression program, but to a lesser degree because it affects a wide range of immature ... each year in September to have their property included in the state suppression program the following ... year. There is currently no charge to the property owner for participation in the program. Homeowners ...
