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Ohio State University Extension



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  1. 2 Ways to Learn About Composting Dead Livestock

    protects the environment and returns animals slowly to the earth-- and two programs next month will feature ... objectionable gases-- is the focus. The program will be the same at both places. “The livestock industry is ... “Composting of dead animals,” the flier says, “is an option that is available to all livestock producers.” ...

  2. New Beef Position to Focus on Animal Care, Food Safety and Profitability

    he majored in animal science. Grimes plans to focus programming on increasing consumer confidence and ... position in Ohio State University Extension will address animal welfare, beef management and production, ... and pre-harvest food safety for Ohioans. "Animal care and food safety are key issues for Ohio ...

  3. Ohio State Offers Bioterrorism Course

    Food Animal Health Research Program; and Jeff LeJeune, OARDC Food Animal Health Research Program ... collaboration with the International Studies Program, will be offering undergraduate students a new course on ... and animals from a biological and agricultural perspective. No other course instruction of its kind ...

  4. OSU Extension: Fall Frost Increases the Potential for Toxicity in Livestock

    convert quickly to prussic acid in freeze-damaged plant tissue, Sulc said. “Animals can die within minutes ... tissue.” The signs of prussic acid poisoning appear rapidly after the animal eats forage high in prussic ... acid content, because it interferes with oxygen transfer in the blood stream of the animal, causing it ...

  5. USDA Confirms Case of Mad Cow Disease in California: OSU Experts Available to Discuss

    University’s Food and Animal Health Research Program. LeJeune, who is an expert in food safety, said the ... a statement. OSU Contacts:          Mo Saif, chair of the Food Animal Health Research Program, Ohio ...       Jeffrey T. LeJeune, a microbiologist with the Food Animal Health Research Program, Ohio ...

  6. OARDC Names 2009 Junior Faculty Research Award Winners: Land Use, Food-borne Illness Experts

    work-life issues. Jeff LeJeune LeJeune is an associate professor in the Food Animal Health Research Program ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences paper examined changes in patterns of urban sprawl over time ... received more than $4.1 million in research grants and contracts from agencies such as the National Science ...

  7. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Dead Tree Standing (for the Week of Sept. 30, 2007)

    nesting and shelter. So says the U.S. Forest Service, which runs a program called "Animal Inn" ... Then best to cut it down.) Birds and squirrels and other animals may nest or sleep in holes in the ..., is the "Animal Inn" site. Sources also included the Ohio State University Extension fact ...

  8. Lt. Gov. Candidate Padgett Tours ATI, OARDC

    the Horticulture and Crop Science greenhouses. Among the speakers: OARDC animal scientist Steve Loerch ... director of the Food Animal Health Research Program, on bird flu (avian influenza) and OARDC’s ... Ohio’s future April 25 in Wooster, and it featured science and higher education. The state senator from ...

  9. New Vaccine Candidate Shows Strong Potential to Prevent Highly Contagious Norovirus

    vomiting-- can generate a strong immune response in mice without appearing to cause the animals any harm. ... this vaccine design method's effectiveness against the human norovirus. Animals receiving the ... yourself," said Jianrong Li, assistant professor of food science and technology at Ohio State and senior ...

  10. MEDIA ADVISORY: OARDC to Dedicate First-in-Ohio Ag Safety Lab Sept. 16 in Wooster

    for the study of infectious diseases of plants and animals that threaten Ohio’s $90-plus billion ... agricultural industry. Reporters are invited to the dedication ceremony of the $22.2 million Plant and Animal ... both plant and large animal research at the Biosafety Level 3 and BSL-3 Agriculture levels. A dedication ...
