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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Science on a Stick

The SCIENCE in Science on a Stick

  1. Sizing it up! 

    • This is actually a pinhole magnifier. Learn why it works on this Exploratorium web page. (Scroll down to What's Going On.)

  2. Cardboard Sunglasses

    • How Sunglasses Work, a howstuffworks web page, explains polarization and blocked light waves.
  3. Which Eye Is Dominant?

  4. Chill!

  5. Read in Color

    • The Stroop Effect explains what happens when words and their colors don't match.
  6. Here’s a Twist!

  7. Challenge Your Reflexes

  8. Where’s Your Blind Spot?

    • The Blind Spot web page offers more easy tests for your blind spot and other good infomation about sight and vision. 
  9. Balancing Act

  10. Kite Conversion