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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension


Dairy Cattle Acknowledgments

On behalf of the Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences, Dairy Programs, we would like to offer our sincere thank you to the following organizations and individuals for their support of our programs.

Major Contributors to Ohio's Dairy 4-H Programs

John and Bonnie Ayars
Select Sires
Dairy Farmers of America
DHI Cooperative, Inc.
Mideast American Dairy Association (ADA)
The Ohio State Fair
Ohio Purebred Cattle Breeders Association


Dairy Incentive Program Donors

John and Bonnie Ayars

Woodruff Dairy

Hills Farm Supply

Heartland Feed Services

Pearl Valley Cheese

Prenger's Supply

Wellington Implement

Walnut Hills Feed Supply 


Ohio Guernsey Breeders Association

Ohio Holstein Association

Ohio Jersey Breeders Association

Ohio Milking Shorthorn Society

Ohio Brown Swiss Association


Performance Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge Ram of Delaware

Priority One

Solar is Freedom

Danone of North America


And thanks to all of our coaches, volunteers, and parents thank you for placing such a high educational value on our youth's 4-H Dairy experience.

The strength of the Ohio 4-H Dairy program is due to the volunteer support of people who are willing to donate their time!