Recognize When Animals Should Not Visit
4-H members must know their pets well enough to notice any changes in the animal’s overall health, behavior and physical appearance. DO NOT take your pet on a visit if he or she has any of the following:
- Change in appetite.
- Change in drinking.
- Abnormal body temperature.
- Unusual body odor.
- Unusual odor from the ears or visible signs of an ear infection, such as a rabbit with ear canker.
- Abnormal discharge from the eyes.
- Persistent bad breath or an unusual mouth odor.
- Skin rash, skin irritation, or hair loss.
- Excessive dander.
- Molting.
- Open wounds, or sores (such as a hot spot), sutures.
- Abnormal types of stools or color of urine.
- Frequent or abnormal urination or defecation.
- Persistent coughing or sneezing.
- Sick or injured or is recovering from an illness or injury.
- Not acting “normal” for the pet, such as appearing stressed, acting depressed or lethargic, or behaving strangely.
- Been to the veterinarian that day for vaccinations or other procedures, or still not feeling well from the course of action taken.
- Is on medication which may change his behavior when visiting.
- Is in heat, pregnant, or lactating.