SPP Test 1. Accepting a Friendly Stranger
This test demonstrates that the 4-H PetPALS team can properly greet people.
The 4-H member is holding her pet, with the pet wearing a harness and on a leash. The evaluator approaches the 4-H member, they shake hands and exchange pleasantries, and the evaluator then walks on. (It does not matter which hand is used when shaking hands.) The evaluator ignores the pet.
The pet cannot show signs of nervousness, shyness, resentment, or try to get away from the 4-H member.
This video shows a cat being held by the youth. The cat remains calm while showing a slight interest in the stranger.
This video clip shows the youth holding a basket with a Thrianta rabbit sitting in the basket. The rabbit remains calm while showing a slight interest in the stranger.