Welcome to the 2021 OFMA Junior Fair (Virtual) Conference!
Thank you for participating in the 2021 OFMA Junior Fair Conference. The discussion room notes are below for you to review.
2021 OFMA Junior Fair Conference Discussion Room Notes
10 Tips for Success in your Role as a JFB Member
Christy Leeds, Extension Educator – Union County
For teens undertaking the role of Junior Fair Board for the 1st or 2nd time; what does it take to be successful? How can you calm your jitters and be more prepared to be effective in this fulfilling, fun, Fair leadership role? 10 ideas to help teens navigate their way to successful Board participation.
AUDIENCE: Teen Leaders
Are YOUth Interview Ready for the Virtual World?!!
Angie Holmes, Extension Educator – Erie County & Mary Beth Albright, Extension Educator – Erie County
Youth need to have good interview skills and know how to utilize those skills in the virtual setting that we now experiencing due to the pandemic. We will explore preparing for an interview and share special considerations for when that interview is virtual.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Building My Case to Be a Strong Junior Fair Board Member
Judy Villard Overocker, Extension Educator – Richland County
Junior Fair Board members that have confidence in their abilities and knowledge, plus work and act like team members, are more likely to be successful as Junior Fair Board members. Participants will learn ways to build confidence and skills in leadership, public speaking, team building and working through challenging situations.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
But That’s How It’s Always Been…
Beth Guggenbiller, Extension Educator – Mercer County
Even when something is working, we need to shake things up or find other exciting parts to add. This video will share why change can be good and some tips for making it happen. The “Best” can get “Better”.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Continuing to Cope with COVID
Justin Bower, Extension Educator – Logan County
Many of us are experiencing COVID exhaustion. How do we keep a positive attitude, motivation, and excitement to do things when we are so tired of the current world we live in. This session will go over some tips and coping methods to continue to fight COVID exhaustion.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Creating a Professional First Impression
Jenna Hoyt, Extension Educator – Ashtabula County
First impressions are formed within 7 to 17 seconds of meeting someone but can last a lifetime. A large part of the impression of you leave will be based on how you conduct yourself beyond your appearance.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Dealing with Difficult People at the County Fair
Judy Villard Overocker, Extension Educator – Richland County
Participants will learn a practical approach to understanding, preparing for and dealing with exhibitors, parents, observers, volunteers and other people who pose difficult situations for the Junior Fair. Session will include a discussion of various Junior Fair program situations.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Electing the Right Officer Team
Kristy Watters, Extension Educator – Adams County
Learn why officers are important to your organization, responsibilities of each office and what skills officers should possess. Identify which office best fits your skill set, the duties of each office and what to look for in prospective nominees.
AUDIENCE: Teen Leaders
Engaging Future Showmen at the Junior Fair!
Leslie Cooksey, Extension Educator – Fairfield County, Aubry Fowler, Extension Educator – Fairfield County, Christy Millhouse, Extension Educator – Preble; Tracie Montague, Extension Educator – Clinton County; Rebecca Supinger, Extension Educator – Greene County; Rhonda Williams, Extension Educator – Darke County; Demetria Woods, Extension Educator – Miami County; and Bruce Zimmer, Extension Educator – Washington County
Cloverbuds are the future of the Junior Fair Program. How do you involve Cloverbuds and other young fairgoers in your Junior Fair Program? Getting younger youth excited and engaged at this age will help instill a passion for the Junior Fair. Additionally, engaging future showmen into the Junior Fair Program allows them to feel a sense of belonging to the program as they look up to older 4-H youth who are participating in the program. Join the Ohio 4-H Preadolescent Cloverbud Team and Fairfield County 4-H Educators in this idea sharing session. Learn more about Cloverbud specific activities taking place around Ohio and tips for successfully implementing Cloverbuds activities in your junior fair. Engaging Future Showmen at the Junior Fair handout AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Get Your Style On!
Betty Wingerter, Extension Educator – Montgomery County
Let’s review your style of leadership. Learn the four main styles of leadership and determine which style you are. Because you are a leader on the Junior Fair Board – how do you ‘re-think’ your style—leadership style that is.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Getting your JFB to work together as a winning TEAM.
Holmes County Junior Fair Board & Officer Team
The Holmes County JFB Officer team will share how teamwork makes a dream work for fair week and honestly all “season” long! We will cover some of the unique things that Holmes County does to help members be prepared for fair such as committee work, fundraisers/sponsors of the day, and how these events tie into the popular Holmes County Draft Pick! The last day of our fair is similar to the Super Bowl – full of highly anticipated events planned completely by our board including a Celebration of the Clubs and a Showman of Showman Contest. Come hear more about what has worked for us, what we have learned need some additional strength and conditioning and how we stay motivated as a team all season long!
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Go Grassroots! Promoting 4-H Digitally, Before, During and After Your County Fair
Emily Masters Kahrs, Extension Educator – Butler County
I will teach youth some basic marketing concepts, with a grassroots focus, that will promote 4-H to the masses, before, during, and after the county fair! As youth are proficient with many social media platforms, they are the ones who have the biggest opportunity to grow county programs, especially when marketing efforts become challenging in times like the pandemic.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Hit the Road! Make Time to Gather Ideas from Other Fairs
Lisa McCutcheon, Extension Educator - Licking County; Adrienne Anderson, 4-H Program Assistant – Licking County, and Hartford Junior & Senior Fair Board Members
Come explore the many benefits that can be experienced by visiting with other fairs. Whether you travel or host; whether the fair is in operation or simply preparing to get underway; the opportunities to gain ideas and information are endless! During this session, participants will explore the benefits of visiting with board members of another fair.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
It Takes All Kinds: How Personality Differences Improve the Team
Cheryl Goodrich, Extension Educator – Monroe County
Effective teams need a balance of different types of personalities. This session will increase participant’s awareness of their own unique personality traits and how we can use our differences to create a cohesive Junior Fair Board team.
AUDIENCE: Teen Leaders
It’s Show Time!
Leslie Cooksey, Extension Educator – Fairfield County & Erin Dailey, Extension Educator – Jackson County
“Now entering the ring, Market Gilts Class 1.” It’s time for the show to begin and you are asked to step up to the microphone. Are you ready? Whether your Junior Fair Board members announce shows or help behind the scenes, it is important to understand how a livestock show works. Learn more about how you can develop skills to enhance your public speaking and recordkeeping abilities to be an effective youth member of your Show Committee that adults can trust and depend upon to get the job done. Learn how to effectively coach your peers to enrich their public speaking experiences while understanding the process for announcing a Junior Fair Show. It's Show TIme! handout
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Let’s Take It Down a Notch!
Kate Wells, Extension Educator – Ross County
Passion, pride, and competition are a recipe for learning, but also conflict. Attend this session to learn some important tips to successfully de-escalate a heated meeting, parent conflict, and when it’s gone a step too far! Knowing how to respond as a leader in this situation can prevent bad situations from getting worse. Let's Take it Down a Notch handout
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences Program Update
Elizabeth Share, Program Specialist – OSU Extension and Ben Wenner, Assistant Professor – Animal Sciences
Come hear about what’s new in 4-H Animal Sciences programming: Youth Quality Assurance, Livestock, Companion and Small Animals, Judging Clinics and Contests, Knowledge Bowl Competitions, and State Fair Youth Opportunities.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Ohio 4-H Horse Program Updates & Rule Changes for 2021
Dr. Kim Cole, Extension Equine Specialist
Join us to learn about the MANY updates for the Ohio 4-H Horse Program – new ranch classes, new rule book, new scoring systems and score sheets for showmanship, horsemanship and equitation classes as well as an introduction to the new Horseback Riding Program that recognizes 4-H members’ time spent in the saddle.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) Update
Dr. Tony Forshey, State Veterinarian – ODA; Cindy Bodie, ODA Animal Health Contact & Elizabeth Share, Extension Specialist
Come learn about the latest information regarding youth livestock and poultry from the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), including updates pertaining to exhibition.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
Running The Show
Jacci Smith, Extension Educator - Delaware County
Session covers the who, what, when, where, and why of behind the scenes at livestock shows. Topics for success include the staffing, positions, and procedural steps.
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
The Perfect Fit
Ella Lorentz, Tara Sheldon, Renee Zimmerman, & Janessa Hill, Extension Educator – Holmes County
The struggle is sometimes real. Deciding who is in charge of projects for your county fair isn’t always a walk in the park but we believe we have found the perfect fit! Come learn how we share the work load of duties between our JFB, SFB, and Extension Office including junior fair awards, joint work nights, office coverage during the fair, and all of those miscellaneous jobs that appear in between.
AUDIENCE: Adult Leaders
Tips for Organizing an Effective Junior Fair Board
Ashley Hughley, Extension Educator – Portage County, Deb Heppe, Matthew Heppe & Portage County Junior Fair Board Advisors
This session will include our application process, overall yearly schedule of meetings, committee structures, scheduling volunteer work for fair, and general tips for an effective team. Tips for an Effective Junior Fair Board handout
AUDIENCE: Adult Leaders
What to Do When Others Push Your Buttons… Understanding Different Temperament Traits
Lisa Siciliano-Miller, Extension Educator – Lake County Participants will learn the nine different temperament traits; Learn their temperament traits and how they interact with people of differing and similar temperament traits; identify some self-reflective skills to assist in being a productive group member with individuals who may be appear challenging to work with. Many different personality tests have been developed as a result of these temperament traits. Temperament is something you are born with, your environment are all the things you are exposed to (i.e. upbringing, life experiences etc.) The two together is what makes your personality and how you interact with others and different situations. This presentation will provide some insight to this. What to Do When Others Push Your Buttons handout
AUDIENCE: Both Teen and Adult Leaders
*Does not imply endorsement or partnership with Ohio 4-H Youth Development.