Volunteer Opportunities
Advise a diverse group of 4-H members, (usually in one geographic area) enrolled in a variety of projects.
Lead children, in grades K-2, through hands-on learning activities, as they develop social skills, learn and grow.
Support and work in partnership with 4-H professionals, extension staff, volunteers and members in conducting meaningful educational experiences and developing youth members’ life skills to reach their fullest potential.
Share your skills, talents and special interests in a single project area. For example: clothing, dogs, rabbits, horses, bicycling, computers, wood working, photography, etc.
Teen Volunteers
Serve as a teen leader, camp counselor, and/or a junior fair board member.
Ready to get started?
To become a 4-H volunteer, you will be invited to special training meetings and will receive information and other written materials to help you learn your responsibilities as a volunteer. Your County Extension Educator and current volunteers will mentor you, too. Being an Ohio 4-H volunteer is a great way to give back; it is also a privilege and responsibility. You can begin the process by reading our volunteer standards of behavior, and completing the application below and then contacting your County Extension Office.
Ohio State University Extension has guidance regarding OSU Extension employees serving in a 4-H volunteer capacity. Refer to the Ohio State University Extension Employees as 4-H Volunteers Guidance document for additional information.
- Printable 4-H Volunteer Application Form (10/2024)
Get rewarded for being a volunteer!
Join us at the Ohio 4-H Conference!
The Ohio 4-H Conference is the largest gathering of 4-H adult and teen volunteers in the United States! The Ohio 4-H Conference is designed to equip participants with resources, information, and skills to meet the ever-changing needs of youth. Participants learn from 4-H professionals and other volunteers who lead sessions covering more than 125 topics such as career exploration, risk management, camping, leadership, cake decorating, dancing, animal sciences, and more. The day includes the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Recognition Luncheon and Teen Luncheon highlighting extraordinary accomplishments for outstanding programs, service and innovation. Learn more about the Ohio 4-H Conference here.