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Ohio 4-H Youth Development

Ohio State University Extension



Explore You

YouScience is a great resource, with great insight into YOU; it can truly help you explore careers. From learning your top talents and main interests, to how you contribute to a team, to providing top career matches and what majors can help you get there.



YouScience helps our students chart their path from ‘I don’t know’ to post-secondary pursuits and career confidence and success. By completing a series of fun and engaging ‘brain-games,’ students learn where their natural strengths are and how they can leverage their strengths in post-secondary pursuits and beyond. YouScience combines decades of rigorous scientific research and cutting-edge matching algorithms to uniquely identify the intersection of your students’ strengths, passions, and future opportunities. YouScience brings your students data-driven insights about themselves and their future.

The online scientific program takes students through a series of assessments and interest questions, which are designed to determine their results in the 9 key aptitudes utilized in the working world. The results include a review of the student’s strengths, suggested environments where they will succeed, detailed information on possible careers that match those skills and interests, majors that map to those careers, and much more.

Based on the science behind the YouScience and our review of the program, we believe that this will help students to make more informed decisions when it comes to major and career-related choices. This could translate into a more cost-effective and enjoyable journey through the college years as well as help students make better initial career choices.




What YouScience Provides Youth

  • Aptitude assessments that use engaging exercises rather than self-reported surveys
  • Personalized feedback on natural abilities including self-language, tips, and aptitude descriptions.
  • Up to date information on approximately 500 careers including job forecasts, education investments, and a personalized FIT profile to specific careers.
  • Engaging results interface that guides students to build a comprehensive education & career readiness plan.
  • Downloadable reports making it easy to share information with counselors and parents.
  • Easy to use self-language to improve college application essays, resumes, interviews and recommendation letters.
  • 100% online so that students have access 24/7.
  • Continued access to the YouScience Profile for the next 10 years.


ARE YOU READY EXPLORE You with YouScience?

Contact us here!

Looking to bring this opportunity to your classroom or organization?

Contact us here!


For more information, contact Margo Overholt-Seckel at